About the bush

The bush on and immediately adjoining Camp Wainui is a mixure of mature trees and regenerating areas. There has been no significant disturbance of the regenerating bush in over 50 years. There are many different plant species, including:

  • Tawa
  • Hinau
  • Rewarewa
  • Titoki
  • Kahikatea
  • Totara
  • Kamahi
  • Kanuka
  • Mahoe
  • Nikau
  • Silver Fern
  • Mamaku
  • Ladder Ferns
  • Hen and Chicken Fern
  • Grass Tree
  • together with Kawakawa, Taupata, Karamu, Manuka, Pseudopanax, Toetoe, Supplejack, Lawyer, Wineberry and many more

More pictures from the bush tracks and grounds

Rewarewa Flower Titoki Seeds

About the Tracks

Maintained tracks from the campsite through the property and neighbouring bush:

  • Scholl Creek track to the water fall
  • Mahoe Track
  • Bruce's Track
  • Impossible Ridge Track

These are shown on the large scale (whole property) Map of the Campsite

Popular loop walks are:

  • Mahoe Track - Bruce's Track
  • Impossible Ridge Track - Access road along the ridge - Bruces Track

More pictures from the bush tracks and grounds

Sign: safe for Kiwi Scholl Creek Track
Latest update December 2011